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Lost Car Keys Glasgow

Whether you have lost your car key, the key has broken off in the lock, or the key is damaged, we can help. At Technical Opening we have dedicated tools for the multitude of vehicle locks fitted to most modern vehicles. Our team have the technical skills to open and decode locks to produce a working mechanical key. We specialise in techniques that allow us to gain access to your car quickly and without damage. As modern vehicles come with some form of security immobiliser system fitted, we can produce a transponder key matched to your vehicle.

We carry electronic key cutting and transponder programming equipment onboard our vehicles. This enables the team to resolve your problem if you are stranded. It also means they can come to your home, even if you simply want the reassurance of a duplicate key. We offer a 24-hour service and can visit you in our mobile workshop to get you back on the road with minimal fuss, at a price far cheaper than a car dealer.

car key replacement glasgow

Duplicate Car Keys

We specialise in being able to duplicate car keys. Whether you simply want a duplicate key for peace of mind or need to replace a lost key, we can offer you a range of options to suit your budget. We can complete the task in far less time than a car dealership. Instead of you having to visit the dealer, we can visit you. Unlike many key cutting shops or regular locksmiths, we will attend your car, cut a working key, programme the transponder, and test it against the vehicle to ensure that the key will start the engine. As all modern vehicles come with an immobiliser fitted, the programmed transponder chip in the duplicate key needs to communicate with the engine control unit/immobiliser system. Our team will make sure that the duplicate key communicates with your vehicle properly.

car key replacement glasgow

Diagnostic Equipment

We have the diagnostic equipment that will connect to the OBD socket of your vehicle. This allows us to produce a working transponder. The team can perform other tasks too, such as cancelling a lost or stolen key for a vehicle. This will ensure that the transponder in the lost or stolen key is no longer valid and will not start the vehicle. We can also check a second-hand vehicle for you, to ensure that all the keys permitted to start the vehicle are in your possession. We can cancel any key not in your possession, making them invalid and unrecognised by the second-hand vehicle.

car key replacement glasgow

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